In The Netherland 5775 people died of Covid-19 so far.*
On a population of 17.280.000.
That's 0.033%.
Converted to 29.000 dubs that would be only 10 victims.
JW report 87 deaths. That's 9 times the expected number, or about 5 times the expected number of victims based on memorial attendance.
Of course, in cases like these the sample size may not be enough to conclude the numbers are significant.
(Either my brain doesn't work properly because of that bottle of wine I finished or I have to disagree with SBF by a factor of 10.)
Edit to add: regardless of religious conviction or affiliation, every victim is one too many, and mourned for by friends and family.
*) This is confirmed cases only. Statistically speaking, based on the number of people dying per day, covid19 related deaths seem to be about twice that number.